This is a truly inspirational event that motivates hundreds of people to get out in all weathers , resulting in a great deal of practical help for people in need in our communities. Love it
Simon Lansdowne
A couple of things for you yo know:
1, It's been a bloody honour once again to be in the company of so many kind, caring and selfless people over the last 30 days
2, we want your totals in so we can sort out who won what an all that , Walk -Run-Swim of bike so either send them Via messenger to HrH's Runvember Challenge or email them to by Wednesday night 10pm please.
Also Raffle tickets are available from yours truly at the bag drop off this week Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday evening 6pm - 9pm at Tradesmart, Unit 2271H Dunbeath Rd, Swindon SN2 8EA
Cash or pay via gofundme £5 per strip
Mugs and medals can also be collected here or at the presentation evening on Thursday 6.30pm - 8.30pm at the Rocking Bean Coffee house, wood st, old town, Swindon.
Love you all, you utterly beautiful people
We would like to say a massive thankyou to our sponsors who continue to support RunVEMBER year in year out, their commitment is very much appreciated.