30 Days - 30 Runs, walks, swims, cycles

A couple of things for you yo know:

1, It's been a bloody honour once again to be in the company of so many kind, caring and selfless people over the last 30 days

2, we want your totals in so we can sort out who won what an all that , Walk -Run-Swim of bike so either send them Via messenger to HrH's Runvember Challenge or email them to runvember@outlook.com by Wednesday night 10pm please.

Also Raffle tickets are available from yours truly at the bag drop off this week Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday evening 6pm - 9pm at Tradesmart, Unit 2271H Dunbeath Rd, Swindon SN2 8EA

Cash or pay via gofundme £5 per strip

Mugs and medals can also be collected here or at the presentation evening on Thursday 6.30pm - 8.30pm at the Rocking Bean Coffee house, wood st, old town, Swindon.

Love you all, you utterly beautiful people ❤️

GoFundMe Gallery

How we've done so far...

Countries Taking Part


People Participating


Money raised in the last 4 years

Our Sponsors

We would like to say a massive thankyou to our sponsors who continue to support RunVEMBER year in year out, their commitment is very much appreciated.

What our RunVEMBRIANS say...

This is a truly inspirational event that motivates hundreds of people to get out in all weathers , resulting in a great deal of practical help for people in need in our communities. Love it

Simon Lansdowne

An awesome experience set up by Hrh Alan Butler raising awareness and building community spirit. Get out my running shoes and dust them off every year. It's tough but there are all the other runvembrians cheering you on no matter how quick or slow you go or how far. #runvember #strongertogether

Jane Pilsworth

Such a brilliant cause, organised and run by our resident super hero.
My work colleagues have already started asking about it and donations have started, so no pressure for me then. Looks like I’m running.

Julie Comer

This is win win all around. Runvember gets me out and active on those dark winter days when I'd be tempted to stay inside. It makes me so grateful every time I come back home for the roof over my head and the hot water I'm lucky enough to have. Filling a box makes me think hard about what would bring comfort to someone living on the streets. There is constant support from the online Runvember community and especially from Mr. Runvember himself, who along with his family starts work long before November 1st and carries on working long after November 30th. Thank you. I'm privileged to be a Runvembrian!

Tina van Ewyk

Having worked for one of the charity involved with HrH RunVEMBER Challenge I know how well it has helped not only the guys on the streets but also the teams that are trying to help them move on! The support from all the runvermberians to the homeless community of Swindon has been amazing to say the least but all this would not have happened without the Butler team, which I know, quite a few of us within the homelessness sector are so grateful for.
And as a participant I have to say I loved every bits of it - it was tough but so good for the soul!

Thank you to all involved. Xx

Kai Larcins